Skoltech Alumni Guide

We are in numbers
  • 2039 graduates overall
    1635 MSc
    397 PhD
  • 68 countries
    They come from 68 countries all over the world
  • 431 companies and 140 universities
    They work at 841 companies and study at 1140 universities
Contact us at
If you graduated 1-2 years ago, you can ask for a mentor.
You are welcome to come to Skoltech campus any time you wish, just request your pass here
Request the pass here
Grad's pass
Many current students come to our Career Center to find the relevant company for their career, we're here to connect people!
Find an employee for your company
30-munite-meeting to discuss your career situation and navigate steps for your career development.
Career consultations
Skoltech is keeping in touch and are always here for you. We are ready to help with:
Organize a meet-up
If you want to give a lecture, masterclass & promote your company & invite alumni community for a meet-up, we are ready to help you with event organization and students engagement.
Mentorship for young Alumni

Just let us know if you are ready to share the story about your life after graduation.
Meet your mentee- current Skoltech student for a consultation on career development.
You decide on the number of meetings.
  • ISP
  • Career Day / Industry Day / Company day
  • Excursions / meet-up with students
Give interview & Participate in Podcast
Start Mentoring
Participate in events
I miss Skoltech! What can I do?
We warmly appreciate your Skoltech life participation: meetings involvement, communication with us, giving your time.
Ways to participate as a graduate:

How is life going?

This year the Skoltech alumni community was joined by its 10th graduating class and reached the amount of 2000+ graduates since the university's foundation in 2011.

To commemorate this important anniversary and celebrate your achievements as members of our amazing community, Skoltech together with Artemy Lebedev design-studio, created its first ever Alumni Wall: an interactive exhibition featuring your success stories, photos and career paths.
To help us make this exhibition inspiring, please take a moment to answer several questions.

​​​Spoiler alert: this isn't your average survey. The exhibition covers the most interesting and unusual aspects of your journeys at Skoltech.
That's why some questions might surprise you! :)
Not to get lost
We launched a podcast about Skoltech graduates ✨🎧🎧✨
Listen and enjoy!

Read 60+ different stories about our alumni. Interviews on three different career tracks: academy, industry and startup.

Join the Community in Telegram. 990+ graduates are in touch around the world.

All useful career resources in one place.

If you want to share your story too, tell us:
For all questions on Alumni relations
Annа Krasheninnikova
Skoltech Alumni Relations Specialist
For all questions on your documents
in case you need:

  • transcript
  • apostille
  • education certificate
in case you need:

  • previous education diploma